“Keep up the good work! Keep pushing this, it’s important for everyone to understand!”
Steve Fletcher, Premier Foods
What is The Academy?
A Holistic View of the Future of Flexible Packaging. Through our expertise, we provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to protect and preserve products without causing harm to the environment and discover why plastics may not always be the worst option for the planet.
“Really informative interactive presentation, especially on the impact of plastic”
Amelia Lewis, Melton Foods
We have presented The Academy to over 90 companies and over 1,200 delgates, including Morrisons, Hovis, Walkers Shortbread, Burton's Biscuits, Greencore, Aunt Bessies, Weetabix, Samworth Brothers, KP Snacks, Premier Foods, and Pets Choice to name a few.
Covering a variety of subjects from the misconception of plastic, and recycled content, to carbon footprint, and downgauging, The Academy is available to anyone who would like to learn more on how to protect and preserve products whilst minimising adverse effects on the environment.
“One of the most thought provoking presentations I’ve been to in a while.”
Emma Heath, Nairns

“Never had a presentation like The Academy, thank you!”
Gill Hall, Butlers Farmhouse Cheeses
Alongside The Academy presentation, we also provide Technical Print & Film Training Workshops, covering every aspect of food manufacture, packaging & retailing.
Originally designed to develop the technical skills and knowledge of our team, we now offer these workshops to you, for FREE. From Film & Print Technology and manufacture of film, to the 4 P's of packaging, and avoiding common problems, our Technical Training Workshops provide an in-depth insight into flexible packaging.

For more information on Technical Training Workshops, click here.
For more information on Sustainability Packaging Audits, click here.