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Environmental Audit Sustainable Packaging

Our Packaging Audits are designed to improve productivity and take costs out of the system by any of the following; a change of film and /or print, improved pack design, down gauging, enhancing machine efficiencies, and changing pack format. We invariably find opportunities to provide benefits to our customers.



Thanks George, the packaging audits have worked extremely well and the cost savings are very welcome

Will Laughton, Premier Foods

Our customers have received £2.5 million cost savings in just one year

We will provide FREE of charge where appropriate...

  • A full report and review of current film and packaging operations
  • A review of machine packing speeds and prospects for change
  • Alternative film and / or print based on the latest technology
  • A Packaging Technologist, along with a Packaging Engineer
  • A review of current shelf life and the potential for change
  • Trial reels for all films recommended
  • Alternative machine configuration
  • Mutual capital investment

Why these audits work

Every year, around the world there are packaging exhibitions, many of which introduce new film and print technology.

The Technical Team from National Flexible regularly attend these events to enable us to bring the very latest film and print technology's to our customers.

Mutual Capital Investment

Where an audit results in a change in the packaging process, or the retrofitting of machinery to accommodate new film or pack format, we are prepared to consider supporting the capital cost of the change, in exchange for longer term supply agreements.

Too few companies bother to update their packaging film, which is surprising when so much R & D goes in to developing new films

Barry Twigg, Chairman National Flexible

Typical savings, all are ongoing...

  • Running speed on one packaging line increased from 40-45m per minute, to 70-75m per minute
  • We invested £80k on a retrofit with a customer giving them an £80k per year saving
  • One customer had a 10 tonne reduction in packaging volume and a saving of £40k
  • A cold seal application was changed to LTS film cost, saving £60k per year
  • One customer saved over £50k per year on just one line
  • One customer saved £170k per year over 4 factories

Find out more about The Academy