Lollipop lollipop
♫ Lollipop lollipop - Oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop ♫
This song recorded by the Chordettes takes you back to the nostalgia of 1954 when everything seemed more wholesome. The World was in black and white, but there was always home cooked food on the table and Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books to read at bedtime.
We have come a long way since then but not all our food has improved, especially for children; we have lost sight of wholesome goodness.
Healthipops are not just lollipops; they are vitamin and mineral lollipops designed to be good for children and adults alike and taste amazing as well.
They are full of naturally soothing botanical extracts, and natural flavourings and colourings. They are also vegetarian, vegan and fussy children friendly, and contain vitamins and minerals for immunity and wellbeing.
Maxi and Nick wanted natural remedies for their children to help sooth symptoms of sore throats, colds, hay fever, travel sickness and ear popping but struggled to find anything the children liked. After a lot of research, they discovered a range of botanical extracts that would work in a tasty lollipop form and decided to share so Healthipops was born. Created by nature, crafted by parents!
Each lollipop is individually wrapped and packed in multiples in resealable pouches for convenience. There are 9 different recipes from B12 to Spring & Summer Wellness, and Kids Multivit to Ear Popper Stopper!
Some super eye-popping designs were produced, and National Flexible translated these into vibrant, fresh pouches that really stand out.
“Many thanks for the pouches - we are really impressed with how they bring our products to life. They look incredible!” said Nick.
“We couldn’t have done it without the team at National Flexible!”