If National Flexible was an Animal – what would it be?
We recently included this question to our customers and suppliers as part of a consultation on how we could further develop our relationship. The respondents obviously gave this question much thought if their replies are anything to go on, here are some examples, make of them what you wish;

No 1 Dogs (mostly Labradors!)
Loyal, friendly, dependable, excited but likes food (price)!
Loyal through and through!
Mans trusted partner!
Specifically a Chow Chow, engages and supports but expensive!

No 2 Elephants
You never forget deliveries!
A great leader in your industry and loyal to customers!
Strong, reliable, solid, good memory, caring!
Reliable, loyal and principled!
You are a big customer who is strong, calm and sympathetic!

No 3 Cheetahs
Lean, flexible, but big enough to make an impact!
Will always move fast when necessary!
Always on the ball and pushing ahead!
I like your lead times, other suppliers quote months and are still late!

No 4 Owls
Knowledgeable, good market foresight.
Trustworthy, always looking out for new ideas / technologies, very professional!
Looks and listens, always scouting for new ideas!
Knowledgeable, good foresight of market and competition!

No 5 Dolphins
Good communicators, good teamwork, social and clever, but not the biggest or scariest, friendly!
Always work as a team!
Intelligent, curious and friendly!

No 6 Penguins
Caring, innovative and resilient!
Robust team, who work together nurturing each other and their eggs (customers)!
Chooses a partner for life!

No 7 Horses
Dependable, great work ethic, get the day to day job done!
Steady and reliable – but a racehorse when required, professional!
Always a pleasure to be around!
Racing horse, as your company has grown, you have always been elegant and friendly at the same time!

No 8 Birds
Eagle – always on the lookout for opportunities and independent!
Peacock – energetic, enthusiastic, a strong motivated team!
Racing Pigeon – always fast but expensive (joke)!
Hawk – Always on the look-out for opportunities!

No 9 Meerkats
Always pop your head up and offer assistance when required!
Never complacent, always looking around for ideas - listens!

No 10 Kangaroos
Strong with always something in your pocket!
Bounding ahead looking for new ideas!
Some others were;
Octopus, Big Cat, Bee, Falcon, Ant (industrious), Bear, Antelope, Camel, Squirrel
A cross between a Peacock and an Eagle
Hybrid of Octopus for being flexible and Star Nosed Mole for quick response and support!
We also had replies that said;
Who thought that one up?
Too much to think about on a Friday afternoon!!
This question made me smile and shake my head at the same time – I really don’t know
This was one of 30 questions we asked in order for us to understand how we could do more to help our customers and suppliers. Whilst some just left it blank, most responded, highlighting once again how lucky we are to have such a great bunch of customers and suppliers who had obviously taken the time and thought to provide us with feedback.
We are now working on the results.
1 Comment
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Laura Bouttell
I really love this. Questions like this give great insight into what people think of you and why. Great idea to do this!