More Greenwash – The straws have changed!

The original straws, in our Dubai hotel, were marked ‘100% compostable, made from plants’. However, on checking where they went for ‘composting’, I discovered it was the same skip as all the other rubbish. Shortly afterwards, a new straw appeared in the hotel marked #ECOFRIENDLYSIP, so I decided to investigate further, to discover from the website that,
- The wrapping of the straws was paper and not compostable
- The straws are described as an ‘eco-friendly, sustainable solution’
- The straws decompose in landfill after 3-4 months, unlike plastic which can take up to 2300 years.
Make of this what you will. But to me, it appears these ‘plastic replacement straws’ are simply a product designed to deceive their user that by replacing plastic straws, they are making an informed choice which is better for the environment.
The land and water used to grow the crops, along with the fertilizer and chemicals used in the manufacture of the straws, are all unknown to the user. Nor is the fact that these ‘sustainable’ straws will go directly to landfill along with the rest of the hotel waste. Simply replacing the plastic straws is deemed to be better for the Dubai environment, when in truth, these straws are little more than: - Greenwash.
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