Our Christmas Present Came Early This Year
Many thanks to Marshall Contractors for delivering our new factory extension, on time, on budget, without any major disruption to our business. We now have an additional 50% more space in which to operate, with storage capacity of over 2,500 tonnes of film.
Marshalls constructed our original purpose-built premises in 2006, some 17 years ago. At that time, we were delighted to have all that extra space for production and warehouse, having moved just 3 miles from our original premises, previously occupied for over 30 years! My how things have changed!

The biggest change being we can bring ‘in-house’, the 1,500 pallets of raw materials and customer stock stored off site (BRC accredited) which will improve the efficiency of our operations and logistics teams. We will also be able to fit a further 150 solar panels to our roof to produce more ‘green energy’ which will be used to feed the car park electrical installation points for all employees with electric or hybrid cars.
The company is employee owned. Not only does this mean many people in the business are shareholders, but also the employee SIPP fund own the company premises. This produces a virtuous circle of benefit to those invested as the company pay the rent (tax free), directly into their pension fund.
The benefit to our customers and suppliers is that they are invariably dealing with someone in the company who has a very vested interest in paying close attention to their needs. Therefore, they ‘feel’ the difference, which is why our guiding philosophies can be summarised in these words.
Caring – Sharing – Being Different.
As ever, I would welcome connecting with you on LinkedIn, meanwhile, I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the coming festive season, along with a happy, healthy, and successful 2024.
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